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Pisces Horoscope Sign Astrology for Men and Women

Even if it’s not their religious practice, they are often interested in visiting places of worship or even the beginnings of religions. Pisces are often interested in research, eager to dig beneath the surface and find the secrets buried beneath. This may find them studying archeology, psychology, medicine, science, or other subjects that center on research and discovery. Literature also draws romantic Pisces, and art is an obvious choice for this creative water sign. This year, Pisces season spans February 18, 2023, to March 20, 2023, making it a whimsical, creatively inspired time of year. If you’re a Pisces, have Pisces placements, or are interested in someone who belongs to the sign of the fish, this article will fill you in on this magical water sign.
They are drawn to inhabiting other worlds and are often interested in mysticism, spirituality, or anything “out of this world.” Pisces have formidable psychic abilities and are extremely intuitive. Rumi’s poetry is deeply spiritual — characterized by a seeking and a longing for something more. It has often been misinterpreted, but its layers run deep, begging to be seen through a lens of divinity and existentialism. Sagittarius has always been seen as a very philosophical, wise and spiritual, sign— and, much like Rumi’s poetry of this world and beyond, Sag has one foot here and another out there — half centaur, half-man. With Scorpio’s ultimate and innate need for transformation, this is a holy text to be recited and to be felt in the blood.

This The Mystic World of Pisces: A Poetic Journey period of introspection has arrived so that you can finally become clear about what you want, why you want it, and how you can create an actionable plan towards attaining it. You’ve been preparing for this moment, so don’t doubt your magic, Scorpio. Be gentle with yourself, with your loved ones, with the land, and with your small piece of this universe dear Virgo.

Dickinson's poems deal with themes of death and immortality. Today Dickinson is considered to be one of the most important American poets. William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) was one of the most famous English poets and actors.
Your ruler, the sun, enters Aquarius, followed by a new moon that wants to give you a new vibration and mindset about partnering up. Think about what it is you want to do with your boo on a day-to-day basis and be ready to share it with them. Don’t worry about losing your social life to a relationship — Mars goes direct on the 12th and activates your network.

But Cary Grant is at heart a comic actor of supernal charm thrust into a melodrama of high gravity. No man is luckier in love than the Cary Grant that existed only in the movies. It is said that Ian Fleming concocted Jame Bond with Cary Grant in mind. When Stephen Dedalus in James Joyce's "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" sees a woman on the beach and composes a villanelle about her image, it is in the manner of Shelley. For a great poet Shelley wrote some really bad lines, in which he stumbles and falls and bleeds in his efforts to shed his corporeal self and merge his romantic soul with the wind that is the creative breath of God.
You’re not only attracted to beauty, you see it where other people don’t. You’re sensitive — not only emotionally, but to the world around you. Poetry manuscript and making this a reality, rather than writing unrelated, individual poems.
The new moon offers a chance to redefine what intimacy and sharing means to you. Check in with yourself and think about if your dreams and goals have evolved. Venus entering Pisces will help you gain clarity and ease around your spirituality and vision for your life. Use Saturn to solidify the good things and create new boundaries for the negative.

Her work has been called “a love letter to an obstinate genre that won’t be gentrified” , so as a sign that often gets called headstrong, we think you’ll feel right at home in Machado’s presence. Get some return on your investment at Town Hall Seattle as part of our Women You Need to Know Series on January 24. Readers of Dante in the 21st century face a host of challenges, some linguistic and others cultural.
It’s a lovely time to embrace nature's tranquility and surround yourself with calm. Decision is never quite your strong point, Libra, and with so much time and so many ways to spend it, you might feel a little lost or frozen. Imagination is beautiful when paired with intuition and action, so don’t let this moment go to waste in a fog of indecision. Let your creative side take the lead and take small steps everyday towards peaceful intentions. This is a time for practical moderation and minding the small details that are perhaps forgotten when life is more demanding.
But it is for a good cause as you will need to decide what you must learn in order to enhance your career and professional life. These themes will continue for the first two months of 2023. But on March 7, Saturn moves into Pisces and your house of career, where it will remain for three years. During this time, the Grand Teacher will ask you to take a deep look at your professional life. Saturn wants to see you take all that you have learned since March 2020 and apply it to your career.

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